Another Turkey Day Brings Another Rock & Roll Radio Marathon

I’m not much of a radio guy, not even in the car, where despite having access to Sirius XM, I prefer listening to music from my streaming provider most of the time. An exception for the past few years has been a massive four and a half-day countdown of songs New York classic radio station Q104.3 does around each Thanksgiving. Ingeniously, they call it the Top 1043 Classic Rock Songs of All Time.

To come up with the list, the station asks listeners to submit their top 10 songs in no particular order, which each counting as one vote. They then tally the submissions, determine the 1043 songs with the most votes, and play all of them in one shot, starting with the tune that got the least votes. The only interruption happens at noon on Thanksgiving, when they play Arlo Guthrie classic Alice’s Restaurant in its entire 18 minutes plus. The whole thing lasts from 1:00 pm ET on Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving until sometime on Sunday evening after the holiday!

Q104.3 Countdown

This year marks the 19th annual annual countdown. Wow, that’s what I call devotion – and smart marketing/audience engagement! Remarkably, each year Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven has been the most popular song. And while the station does not reveal actual vote totals, the hosts have said in the past the tune has always won by many votes.

Don’t get me wrong, I dig Stairway – big time. In fact, if I could only choose one rock song, it probably would be that Zep classic, even though The Beatles generally remain my all-time favorite band. There are other tunes that usually make the top 10, such as Hey Jude and Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody. Again, there’s nothing wrong with these songs and I like them as well.

But the recurrence of the above tracks makes the countdown predictable. To me this means it’s not as much fun as it could be. As I noted before, I think it’s time to shake things up a bit. Following is the set of tunes I submitted. I almost would have forgotten about it and literally did so at 3:00 am this morning when I went to the bathroom and remembered – okay, call me a loony! Here are my choices in no particular order.

Of course, it’s unlikely my selections will change much if anything. On the other hand it’s like elections. If everybody thought they couldn’t impact the outcome, nobody would vote. And that would indeed guarantee that nothing would ever change! So here’s to hoping for a new number one this year. How about Hey Jude?😆

Sources: Q104.3 website; Wikipedia; YouTube




11 thoughts on “Another Turkey Day Brings Another Rock & Roll Radio Marathon”

  1. Schwierig so eine Entscheidung, also für mich jedenfalls (Musik ist ja sehr stimmungsabhängig) ich könnte mich da nicht festlegen. 😉

    Bei uns gibt es da auch so Sendungen, weiß nicht, meist zu Ostern, wo rund um die Uhr die die meistgewünschten Songs der Zuhörer gesendet werden, eine Farce, weil ohnehin immer nur jene Songs gespielt werden, die ohnehin das ganze Jahr im Radio laufen und nichts darüber hinaus. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ich stimme voll zu, dass solche Listen stimmungsabhaengig sind. Bei mir gibt es kaum eine Ueberschneidung zwischen dieser Auswahl und meiner letzten vom letzten Jahr. Aber dies finde ich okay.

      Weiterhin ist es sicherlich richtig, dass man von vorneherein weiss, dass bestimme Songs Jahr fuer Jahr ganz oben landen. Gleichwohl macht es Spass, ueber 1000 verschiedene Stuecke zu hoeren.

      Normalerweise haben die meisten Radiostationen ein viel kleineres Kontingent, dass sie staendig rotieren. Zu Weihnachten kann dies dann besonders nerven, wenn “Run Run Rudolph”, “Last Christmas” und “Rocking Around The Christmas Tree” zum tausendsten Mal laufen!

      Bei mir kommt dann noch hinzu, dass mir Classic Rock generell sehr zusagt, auch wenn der Radiosender zuweilen eine etwas grosszuegig breite Definition des Genres hat!😃

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Funny you should mention Hey Jude. That was one of the songs on my (re) post of top favorite tunes. Fellow blogger J apparently does not like it at all so we had a discussion about that. I’m glad to see someone loves it as much as I do. Such a great, unique song. I admit I get tired of it after so many years. But the next time McCartney comes to town – and I have to shell out megabucks to see him – I look forward to na-naing along.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a great list. Your list of ten, I mean. And the 1,043 song list is “my kind” of concept, too. I’ll have to try to pay attention next year! I am a big fan of Led Zeppelin, but it has always tweaked my shorts a bit when people (as in, like, EVERYONE) points to “Stairway…” as the greatest Zep song. Yes, it is a monster song, but there are so many other killer tracks from Led Zeppelin!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. Q104.3 plays quite a bit of Zep. One of their DJs (Carol Miller) does a recurring program called “Get the Led Out.” So perhaps it’s not a surprise that Stairway has been the no. 1 of the countdown since it started 19 years ago!😀

      I completely agree that Zep has many additional great songs. That being said, if I could only choose one, I think I’d go with Stairway. I dig the build of this tune!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I like a lot of your picks. ‘Politcian’ is a killer.’Fooled’ never gets bad. ‘Cold Shot’ just reminds me how good and special that guy was. Always down for some SD. The band was on bit for ‘Free World’ helping Neil get that sound. And you end with one of my favorite Animal songs, hell how about just one of my fave songs period.

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